How do I open a case with Ex Libris?

You can open cases directly with Ex Libris if you have questions about Alma functionality, the CDI, etc.

  1. Go to https://support.proquest.com.

  2. Sign in with your credentials.
    1. If you do not have credentials, you can register here.
    2. After registering, you may ask a colleague on your campus with credentials to grant you permission or you may open a ticket with OLS.

  3. Click Submit a Case.

  4. Select Ex Libris as the "Platform / Service."


  1. Start typing Alma under "Select your Asset," then click the appropriate option (e.g., Baruch College- Alma) and click Next.

  1. Fill out the form:
    1. Required fields
      1. Priority
      2. Case Type
      3. Subject: keep it brief but informative
      4. Description
        1. Describe the scenario, and include expected vs actual behavior.
        2. Define scope (who is affected) and impact (severity) of the problem.
        3. Does the problem happen all the time? Is it random, or does it appear under set conditions?
        4. Have you made recent changes that you think are related?
        5. Provide test patron logins for troubleshooting problems related to logged-in user functionality.
        6. Have a big project or planning to implement new functionality? Describe the goal you want to achieve, and Ex Libris Support will provide recommendations
    2. Optional fields
      1. Category (populated based on the Asset selected earlier)
      2. Sub-Category (populated based on the Category selected)
      3. Additional Emails for Case Updates allows you to enter emails of colleagues/additional contacts. These addresses will receive the same email notifications from the Support Portal as you do for this case. This is useful, for example, if you are working with others on an issue or want to notify OLS about a case you have opened.
      4. Attachments: check the box if you want to provide attachments such as screenshots.

  1. If all of the information needed is present, click Next.


The CUNY Office of Library Services is able to see all cases opened by members of the CUNY Libraries.

When you register for the first time, ProQuest is supposed to send you an email. If you don't get that email, notify ProQuest: https://support.proquest.com/s/login-issues.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


How can we help?

In order to submit this request for assistance, please first login by clicking the button below.

The Systems Librarians in the Office of Library Services (OLS) are here to support CUNY libraries with:

  • Alma & Primo VE system support
  • EZproxy access and configuration
  • Documentation and best practices
  • Workflow optimization
  • Committee and working group support

Before submitting a ticket, please check our Knowledge Base for existing solutions to common questions. If you don't find what you need, fill out this form and we'll be glad to help!

Priority *
Fields marked with * are required.