What is the OpenURL link resolver for Primo VE?

Update the SFX link resolver address in the administrative portal of each database that allows for one to be added (such as WorldCat, EBSCOhost, Gale, ProQuest, PubMed, etc.). You won't need a link resolver URL added to any database in which everything is full text (Cambridge Journals, Credo, Gale Ebooks, etc.)

Old base URL you'll be replacing: http://sfx.cuny.edu:9003/sfx_local

New base URL: https://cuny-xx.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/openurl/01CUNY_XX/01CUNY_XX:CUNY_XX?

Replace xx and XX with your 2-letter Alma institution code. So the server address for CUNY Central would be: https://cuny-al.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/openurl/01CUNY_AL/01CUNY_AL:CUNY_AL?


Update the SFX link resolver icon:


Answered By:
Roland Samieske
Last Updated:

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