How can I print spine or pocket labels for books and other physical items?

*This FAQ entry is a work in progress, more information will be added as testing is performed*

The ability to print spine or pocket labels is not built-in to Alma, but there are two options libraries can use:

  • Label printing software developed by Alex Rudshteyn (BC) that works with Dymo printers and Epson 590II Dot Matrix printers
    • In addition, spine labels must be 1" x 1.5" and pocket labels must be 1 1/8" x 3 1/2" to work properly
  • SpineOMatic, software that's been around for a while and can print either to continuous-feed label printers or standard laser printers
    • A CloudApps version is being developed, but is currently only available to select early testers

The information below will help you get label printing up and running.


Setting up BC's Alma Label Printing Software

This software was developed by Alex Rudshteyn at Brooklyn College and is designed to work with Dymo LabelWriter 450 and EPSON LQ-590II models of printer. In addition, spine labels must be 1" x 1.5" and pocket labels must be 1 1/8" x 3 1/2" to work properly.

(As of this writing, the software has not been tested with other types of continuous feed label printers. It also does not work with laser printers printing batches of labels to sheet. For other types of printers, see SpineOMatic information below.)

Software: http://ait.brooklyn.cuny.edu/almalabels/

Documentation: http://ait.brooklyn.cuny.edu/almalabels/doc/

Setting up SpineOMatic

SpineOMatic can be configured to print either via label printer or standard laser printer with label sheets. You may need to experiment when configuring to best meet the needs of your library but these instructions are meant to be a starting point.

Getting Started

Before you can configure SpineOMatic, you need to set up an API key. Information about doing that (including Developer Network credentials for each campus) are here: https://ols-support.cuny.edu/systems/alma/api (You must be logged into the support site to see this page)

Software: https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/SpineOMatic

Developer instructions: https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/SpineOMatic/wiki

API needed: Bibs (Production)- Read-only


Answered By:
Rebecca Hyams
Last Updated:


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