How do I update my OCLC Connexion Client settings to work with Alma?
If you haven't used Connexion Client in your office since we migrated, you'll likely need to update your settings so it knows to send the record to Alma (either NZ or your IZ). (The Aleph server was decommissioned in late 2020 so exports set to go there can be deleted.)
This SharePoint page has full instructions on how to install and configure Connexion Client.
The documentation includes the server addresses for each IZ as well as the CUNY-wide NZ. If you need the logon ID and password, please put in a ticket.
Abbreviated Instructions
- Open the Connexion client.
- In the menu, go to Tools > Options.

- Go to the "Export tab" and click Create.

- Select "OCLC Gateway Export."
- Fill in the necessary fields (Host name, port, logon ID, and password) (The "Send Local System Logon Id and Password" box must be checked)

- You'll be prompted to enter a name. Enter a name that's clear as to what it is (Alma NZ, [Library] IZ...)
Whichever destination is selected (highlighted) on your list, that is the one you'll be exporting to, so be careful!