We want to manage scanning/document delivery requests in Alma, what do we need to know?

Alma supports the management of Digitization Requests as part of the request management functionality.

BMCC has set this up, and the request options are visible if you sign in to view them.

However, before you get started there are many separate things you need to consider. Once you have worked them all out you can discuss enabling Digitization with OLS via a ticket.

BMCC is still piloting this, so there may be more here that we're just not aware of. Consider it to be a work in progress.


  • Adjusting the Request Terms of Use for the Fulfillment Units that you want to allow requests to be made for
    • In other words: figure out what locations (Stacks? Reserves?) you want to allow people to put requests in for, see what Fulfillment Units those correspond to, and then ask for those to be adjusted in the settings
    • Request rules/TOUs are separate from loan rules/TOUs.
  • Figuring out the Digitization Settings
    • Do you want to attach a PDF to the email patrons get? Send them a link where they can download the file?
    • Do you want to manually approve all or some requests? How important is copyright clearance to you?
    • Do you have rules that apply only to faculty or to students (or other constituencies)?
  • Discovery (OneSearch) Customization*
    • (*= I'm not sure how much can be requested here.)
    • By default, everything pointing to this says “Digitization” but that might not be clear to users what that means so what do you want to call it?
    • What fields do you need them to fill out on the form?
    • Is there other information you needed added to the form?


Answered By:
Rebecca Hyams
Last Updated:

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How can we help?

OLS Systems is standing by to assist you with your Alma and Primo VE requests!

If, after reviewing the list of known issues and perusing the questions & answers in the Knowledge Base, you have a question or request, please open a ticket via one of the following means: