My library has a self-check machine. How do I get it to work with Alma?

Alma communicates with self-check machines using the SIP2 protocol via a machine running the Stunnel software.

To set up a self-check machine, please open a ticket with OLS and supply the following information:

  • System: Name/model of the self-check machine and its vendor.
  • Library: If you have multiple libraries, indicate with which one this self-check machine should be affiliated.
  • Circulation Desk: If you have multiple circulation desks, indicate which one should be linked to the self-check machine.
  • Supported Actions: Will the machine will be used to check materials both out and in or just out?
  • Item Identifier: If the items will be identified by something other than a barcode, let us know what it is (e.g., call number or item ID).
  • Authentication Required: It’s possible for have patrons authenticate by setting a PIN in OneSearch—let us know if you’d like this functionality turned on.
  • Prevent Requested Items Check In: If you want, you can prevent checking in requested items and instruct the patron to return the item at the circulation desk.

OLS will set up the integration profile for your machine and send the certificate necessary to set up Stunnel on a workstation in your library.

You will need to work with your local IT to set up the Stunnel workstation and confirm communication between Alma and the self-check machine.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:

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