How do I link to my library's catalog in WorldCat/FirstSearch?

"Deep" linking enables your library's FirstSearch users to link from FirstSearch results directly to a record in your library's discovery system. It also allows people performing searches at sites such as Google and Yahoo! to link to your catalog through WorldCat.org.

To ensure deep links to your library's catalog, log on to your WorldCat Administrative Module at https://firstsearch.oclc.org/admin/ and update the deep links. Click the Linking tab, then the Web Library Catalogs in the left-hand submenu. Use the following syntax on the "Library Catalog Search" control panel:

N.B.: Your 2-letter campus code replaces "xx"/"XX" (case sensitive!) in the URLs below.

  • ISBN:
  • ISSN:
  • OCLC Number:

Changes saved before 2 PM (ET) weekdays will be functional on the next business day. Changes made after 2 PM ET will be functional in two business days.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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