How do I relink holdings to another bibliographic record?

1. Locate the holdings record you want to move. You can do an "All titles," "Physical titles," or "Physical holdings" search.

a. If you do a title search, you will have to click on Holdings.

2. Click Relink.

a. It might look like this:

b. Or it might look like this:

3. The holdings record will open in the Metadata Editor with a "Relink Holdings - Search Bibliographic Records" panel. In the "Any Field" box, enter the MMS ID of the record where the holdings record should be linked. Be sure to choose the correct zone: Institution, Network, or Community!

4. Click Search.

5. Click Relink.

6. If necessary, delete the original bibliographic record.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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