How should I handle duplicate orders of ebooks in Alma?

If you have already created an order for an ebook in Alma, and you are acquiring additional copies or increasing the number of users, the workflow is slightly from the regular ordering process. The best way to handle this depends on the type of order and whether you are changing platforms.

Increased Number of Users

1. Locate the bibliographic record in your Institution Zone (IZ).


2. Click Order.


3. Assign the PO line type "License Upgrade" and choose one of the three access models available for upgrades. If you want to add more access models to the list, submit a ticket to OLS.


Note: It does not matter if you check the box next to "Assign inventory manually" or not. Either way, no new electronic portfolios will be created, even if the Alma popup says so.

Duplicate Order on the Same Platform

1. Locate the bibliographic record in your Institution Zone (IZ).


2. Click Order.


3. Create an ebook order as you normally would, but be sure to check the box next to "Assign inventory manually."


Note: This POL will only be linked to the bibliographic record, not the electronic portfolio. This is because an electronic portfolio can only be linked to one POL, and this is the second order.

Duplicate Order on a Different Platform

1. Locate the bibliographic record in the Community Zone (CZ).


2. Click Portfolio List.


3. Click Order.


4. Find the new platform you're ordering. Click the button on the right, then click Order.


5. Proceed with the order as you normally would


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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