How do I receive standing orders?

How to receive standing order material depends on the type of standing order:

  • Monograph
    • Each volume of the standing order has its own bibliographic record
    • The volumes are treated like monographic books
    • The PO line type is "Physical - Standing Order Monograph"
  • Non Monograph
    • Each volume of the standing order is attached to the same bibliographic record
    • The volumes are treated like journal issues
    • The PO line type is "Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph"

Physical - Standing Order Monograph

  1. Create a bibliographic record, holdings record, and item record.
  2. Add the PO line of the standing order to the item record:

Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph

  1. Go to Acquisitions > "Receiving and Invoicing": Receive.
  2. In the "Continuous" tab, locate the standing order and click ... (action) > Receive:


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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