I thought we had access to the RDA Toolkit. Why doesn't it recognize me?

We have University-wide access to the RDA Toolkit. It is accessible from on-campus or via proxy. It is limited to 10 simultaneous users.

To access it, visit https://access.rdatoolkit.org (on campus) or https://central.ezproxy.cuny.edu/login?url=https://access.rdatoolkit.org (off campus).

If you do not see "The City University of New York - CUNY" in the upper left-hand corner, simply click the Log In button in the "Profile Login" section (without entering a username or password). The page will reload and you'll be recognized as an authorized user, with the provider information now displaying in the corner:

Et voilà! You now have access to the toolkit.

If you continue to have problems accessing the resource, please open a ticket with OLS.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:

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