How do I create an invoice?

There are four ways to create an invoice in Alma.

From PO

This method is the most common and the easiest because it links the invoice to the purchase order line (POL) and populates the invoice with other information from the POL, such as vendor and price.


1. Go to Acquisitions > Receiving and Invoicing > Create Invoice.


2. Select From PO, then click Next.


3. Click the hamburger icon to do an advanced search. You can search by PO number, POL number, title, vendor, and more.


4. Click on the appropriate PO.


5. Click Save.


6. The newly created invoice automatically opens to the "Invoice Lines" tab.

a. The titles listed here were all bundled into the purchase order you selected in steps 3-4. They may not all belong on the same invoice, so you can delete titles if necessary.


b. You can also edit an invoice line to change the price, fund, and more.


7. Go to the Summary tab and edit the invoice number, invoice date, and total amount to match the invoice from the vendor. You may also need to edit the payment method.


8. Click Save and Continue.


9. If you are taken to the "In Review Invoices" screen, click on the invoice number, then click Save and Continue again.


1. Go to Acquisitions > Receiving and Invoicing > Create Invoice.


2. Select Manually, then click Next.


3. Enter or edit the following information. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  • Invoice number*
  • Invoice date*
  • Vendor*
  • Vendor account
  • Total amount*
  • Payment method
  • Owner*


4. Click Save and Create Invoice Lines.


5. Click Add Invoice Line.


6. Click the hamburger icon to do an advanced search. You can search by PO number, POL number, title, vendor, and more. The invoice line will populate information such as price and fund from the POL. You can edit this information here.


7. There are several options for next steps:

a. Click Add to add the current title to the invoice and start adding another title.

b. Click Add and Close to add the current title and return to the invoice.

c. Click Close to return to the invoice without adding the current title.


8. After all titles have been added to the invoice, click Save and Continue.


9. If you are taken to the "In Review Invoices" screen, click on the invoice number, then click Save and Continue again.

Excel Import

1. Go to Acquisitions > Receiving and Invoicing > Create Invoice.


2. Select From File, then click Next.


3. Click the hamburger icon to do an advanced search for vendor.


4. Click the Download Excel Example button.


5. Enter or edit the following information in the spreadsheet. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  • HINV (the value is always "INV")
  • Invoice number*
  • Date*
  • Total amount*
  • Payment method
  • HIL (the value is always "IL")
  • Line type (Discount, Insurance, Overhead, or Shipment)
  • PO line
  • Title
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Start subs date (only for subscriptions)
  • End subs date (only for subscriptions)
  • Fund and percent (enter the fund code and nothing else)


6. Save and close the spreadsheet. Alma will not upload the spreadsheet if it is still open.


7. Click the folder icon to browse for the spreadsheet.


8. Click Upload And Run Invoice Creation Job.


9. It may take several attempts to format the spreadsheet correctly. Go to Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs to check if the import was successful.


Vendors can create Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files with invoice information, and Alma can load those files to create invoices. This can be done manually or automatically. Contact OLS if you're interested in setting up EDI.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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