How do I put additional charges or discounts on an invoice?

In Alma, you can either spread charges and discounts over all items on an invoice (pro rata) or add them as separate line items.

Pro Rata

If pro rata is enabled for your institution, Alma will automatically add the following to the "Additional Charges" section in the "Summary" tab of the invoice:

  • Shipment amount
  • Overhead amount
  • Insurance amount
  • Discount amount


This approach distributes the charges and discounts to each item on the invoice. The amount will be posted to the same fund as the item. You can run reports by total cost per item or separate the item price from other charges and discounts in Analytics.


Separate Lines

If pro rata is disabled for your institution, Alma will automatically add the following in the "Invoice Lines" tab of the invoice:

  • Shipment
  • Discount
  • Overhead
  • Insurance
  • [up to 5 additional invoice line types configured by the institution]


This approach allows you to post charges and discounts to different funds from the regular items on the invoice. For instance, if the total cost of shipping is $50 and there are 5 items on the invoice, there will be a 6th invoice line with a $50 shipping charge. You can also run reports by invoice line number or invoice line type in Analytics.




Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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