How do I put additional charges or discounts on an invoice?

In Alma, you can either spread charges and discounts over all items on an invoice (pro rata) or add them as separate line items.

Pro Rata

  1. Check the "Use pro rata" box in an invoice.
  2. Fill out one or more fields in the Additional Charges section.
    1. Shipment amount
    2. Overhead amount
    3. Insurance amount
    4. Discount amount
  3. Do not use any of the additional invoice line types.


$15 for shipping is divided between the two invoice lines: $8.27 and $6.73.


Title Price Shipping Total Cost
A People & a Nation $80.94 $8.27 $89.21
A More Perfect Union $65.94 $6.73 $72.67
  = = =
  $146.88 $15.00 $161.88

No Pro Rata

  1. Leave the "Use pro rata" box in an invoice unchecked.
  2. The Additional Charges section does not appear.
  3. Use one or more additional invoice line types:
    1. Shipment
    2. Discount
    3. Service Charges
    4. Insurance


$15 for shipping is a separate invoice line.


Title Price Shipping Total Cost
A People & a Nation $80.94 $0.00 $80.94
A More Perfect Union $65.94 $0.00 $65.94
Shipment $0.00 $15.00 $15.00
  = = =
  $146.88 $15 $161.88


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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