Does Alma support serials prediction patterns?

Yes. Alma prediction patterns create physical items for serials. This allows you to:

  • Save time by not manually creating items
  • Receive items even if there is no purchase order line (POL)
  • Claim issues that did not arrive


1. Open a holdings record in the Metadata Editor.


2. Go to Editing Actions > Expand from Template.


3. Choose one of the out-of-the-box Alma templates.


4. Choose one of the following options:

  • Override: replaces all existing 853/854/855 or 590 fields in the holdings record. This may result in the loss of desired data.
  • Add missing: adds 853/854/855 or 590 fields to the holdings record only if they are not already present. This may result in mismatched fields and/or errors.
  • Add all: adds 853/854/855 or 590 fields to the holdings record even if they are already present. This may result in duplicate fields and/or errors.


5. Click OK.


6. Alma adds an 853 field (or 854/855 field, depending on which template you selected) to the holdings record, and a 590 field that contains a description of the template.


7. Open the "Next predicted item’s information" in any of the following ways:

  • Click in the 853/854/855 field, then go to Record Actions > Next predicted item’s information.
  • Click in the 853/854/855 field, then press F3.
  • Click the binocular icon next to the 853/854/855 field.


8. Enter some or all of the following information:

  • Level(s) of enumeration
  • Level(s) of chronology
  • Issue Date


9. Click Close.


10. Go to Record Actions > Open predicted items.


11. Click Save if the information is correct. If it is incorrect, click Discard and return to step 8.


12. Go to Save > Save and Release Record.


13. Alma creates items with the enumeration and/or chronology and expected date.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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