How do I link an electronic portfolio to the Community Zone?

An electronic portfolio that is only in the Institution Zone (IZ) can be linked to the Community Zone (CZ) to take advantage of the automatic updates from that knowledge base. Even if you maintain the bibliographic records in the IZ, it is best practice to link all electronic portfolios to the CZ.

Portfolio is in an electronic collection
Only standalone electronic portfolios can be linked to the CZ, so you must remove each portfolio from its current collection.
1. Locate the electronic collection and click Edit Full Text Portfolios.
2. Click Remove for each portfolio.
3. Follow the instructions below for portfolios not in an electronic collection.
Portfolio is NOT in an electronic collection

1. Locate the electronic portfolio. You can even do an advanced search for electronic portfolios where "Is Standalone" equals "Yes."


2. Click Link to community.


3. Select the electronic collection. For help, see How do I choose an electronic collection from the Community Zone?


4. Click Next.


5. Choose which bibliographic record to use.

a. Use descriptive metadata from the community: Use the Community Zone bibliographic record for this title.

b. Keep local descriptive metadata: Use the Institution Zone bibliographic record for this title.


6. Click Next.


7. Click Link to community.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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