How do I add autofill fields in the Metadata Editor?

There are certain standard terms or phrases that you may need to enter frequently in MARC fields in the Metadata Editor in Alma. You can save time and prevent typos by configuring lists of terms that will be available in a pop-up screen. Here is an example where a list of local collections has been configured as a controlled vocabulary, which was in turn assigned to 590 $a.


Anyone working on this record in the Metadata Editor can select one of those suggested collection names, and it will autofill the field:


To configure the Controlled Vocabulary Registry, you must have one of the following roles:

  • Catalog Administrator
  • General System Administrator

Create a Controlled Vocabulary

1. Go to Configuration > Resources > Cataloging > Controlled Vocabulary Registry.


2. Click Add CV.


3. Fill out the required fields at the top of the screen:

  • Name: This is the name of the whole controlled vocabulary set, not an individual term.
  • Description: Add additional context.


4. Fill out the required fields under "Add new value":

  • Code: This is the term or phrase that will be inserted into the bibliographic record.
  • Description: This will appear in parentheses in the pop-up screen, but it will not be added to the record.


5. Click Add.



Assign the Controlled Vocabulary to a Specific MARC 21 Subfield

1. Go to Configuration > Resources > Cataloging > Metadata Configuration.


2. Click MARC21 Bibliographic.


3. Locate the MARC field where the autofill should appear.


4. Click the three dots (...) for more actions, then click Customize.


5. Click on Subfields to expand the section.


6. Locate the MARC subfield where the autofill should appear.


7. Click the three dots (...) for more actions, then click Assign Controlled Vocabulary.


8. Select your new controlled vocabulary from the filter.


9. Click Assign.


10. Click Save.


11. Click Deploy.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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