What is paging and which CUNY libraries offer it?

Paging is retrieving checked in items (i.e., those not on loan) from the library's collection at a patron's request and placing it on the hold shelf for them. The mechanisms for placing these requests and fulfilling them is the same as for hold or CLICS requests in Alma/Primo VE.

Patrons place requests in OneSearch via the usual request form. Staff use Alma's "Pick From Shelf" list to pull the titles. Like all requests, paging a title may take up to 2 business days to complete.

The following libraries at CUNY did not offer paging prior to January 16, 2024:

  1. BMCC
  2. The City College of New York
  3. College of Staten Island
  4. Lehman College
  5. New York City College of Staten Island
  6. Queens College (disabled only for QC users)

As of mid-January 2024, paging is enabled for regularly circulating materials at all CUNY libraries.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:

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