How do I print shipping slips for materials lent to libraries outside of CUNY?

If you were not able to print the shipping slip from the "Shipping Items" or "Scan In" page (or you just need to print the slip again), you can print slips for lending requests from the "Lending Requests" page.

The "Fulfillment Services Operator" or "Fulfillment Services Manager" role is required to work with lending requests.

  1. Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Sharing": Lending Requests:
  2. Find the item that needs a slip printed. Click ... (actions) > Print Slip:
  3. Make sure you Enable quick printing for your location in Alma:
  4. Make sure the correct printer is selected and click Print:


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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