What are the fines and fees in Alma?

Various fines and fees can be charged to patrons in Alma. Here is a list with examples.


Name Description Possible Values
Lost Item Fine How much a patron owes for each item they lost

None (i.e., $0)



Lost Item Replacement Fee How much a patron owes if they lose an item but replace it with another copy

None (i.e., $0 or the "Replacement cost" in the item)




Overdue Fine How much a patron owes for each item they returned late

None (i.e., no cap on fines)

10¢ per minute

$20 per hour

$5 per day

Recalled Overdue Fine How much a patron owes for each recalled item they returned late

None (i.e., $0)

25¢ per day

$5 per day

Maximum Fine

Limit on accrued overdue fines. The total amount of money a patron can owe for each item they returned late

None (i.e., $0)





Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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