How do I set up ILLiad as the resource sharing partner of last resort in Alma?

At this time, only integration with ILLiad is supported.

In order for unfilled Alma requests to be automatically exported to your ILL system, there are several things that need to be in place:

  1. Your patrons in ILLiad must use the EMPLID as the username. (This is the patron's identifier in Alma. It's the match point that places the requests on behalf of the correct patron in the ILL system.) This is done by the campus in collaboration with OCLC (if your ILL system is hosted by the vendor). This is also a good opportunity to switch your ILLiad authentication system to CUNY Login.
  2. Alma needs to be configured to recognize your ILL system. (This is handled by OLS but the instructions are included below.)
  3. The ILL system needs to configured to accept requests from Alma and place them in the appropriate queue. Instructions are included below.

User Configuration

See the FAQ entry: My library wants to use CUNY Login for ILLiad authentication. How do we make that happen?

Alma Configuration

The configuration work in Alma is handled by OLS. To add your ILL system as the resource sharing partner of last resort, open a ticket with OLS by writing to support@cuny-ols.libanswers.com.

ILLiad Resource Sharing Partner

Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Sharing": Partners and then click the Add Partner button.

Click the General Information tab and enter the following values:

Field Value
Code ILLiad
Name ILLiad
Profile Type NCIP
Status Active
System Type ILLiad
Average Supply Time 0
Delivery Delay (days) 0
Currency [blank]
Alternate Symbol [blank]
Locate Profile [blank]
Default Partner Not checked
Supports Borrowing Checked
Borrowing Workflow Default Borrowing Workflow
Supports Lending Checked
Lending Workflow Default Lending Workflow
New Request Alert Not checked

In the Parameters tab, enter the following values:

Field Value
General Information
User identifier type Primary Identifier
Request pushing method Link
Default library owner Library designated as Resource Sharing Library (main library)
Request Item
Bibliographic record ID type OCLC Number
Support Borrowing NOT checked
Check-Out Item
Default location Lending Resource Sharing Requests
Default item policy RS ILL Loan
Accept Item
Default location Borrowing Resource Sharing Requests
Automatic receive Checked
Default pickup library Library designated as Resource Sharing Library (main library)
Receive Desk Main Service Desk
Export to Third Party
Export to third party

Using API

URL https://CODE.illiad.oclc.org/illiadwebplatform/transaction
Export request ID name tag CitedIn
API Key APIKey from your ILLiad WebPlatformConfig table
Close Request When Exported NOT checked
Create user in ILLiad Checked
Search user in ILLiad using Primary Identifier
Status Created via Alma
Notification method Electronic
Delivery method Hold for Pickup
Loan delivery method Hold for Pickup
Electronic delivery No
Auth type Default
Rota Template

  1. Navigate to Fulfillment > "Resource Sharing": Rota Templates.
  2. Click ⊕ Add Template.
  3. Enter the following values:
    • Code: ILLiad
    • Name: ILLiad
    • Type: Non Ordered
    • Status: Active
  4. Click Save and Add Members.
  5. Click + Add Partners and click into the text field to look up "ILLiad." Tick the checkbox and click Select. Click Add Partners.
  6. Click Save.
Rota Assignment Rule

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Fulfillment > "Resource Sharing": Rota Assignment Rules and click the Add Rule button under "Institution Rules List."
  2. Under "Rota Assignment Rules," enter ILLiad Fallback in the Name field.
  3. Under "Input Parameters," click the Add Parameter button, select the values listed below, and then click the Add Parameter button.
    • Name: Requested Format
    • Operator: =
    • Value: Physical
  4. Under "Output Parameters," click the Select from a list link in the "Rota Templates" field, check the box next to the ILLiad rota, and click the Select button.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. If setting up ahead of time and the library is not ready for ILLiad to be the default resource sharing partner, disable the "ILLiad Fallback" rule:

ILLiad Configuration

In ILLiad, create a new routing rule for Alma requests:

Field Value
RuleNo 0
RuleActive Yes
Process Type Borrowing
Transaction Status Awaiting Request Processing
MatchString t.CitedIn LIKE '01CUNY%' and (t.LendingString = '' or t.LendingString is NULL)
NewProcessType Borrowing
NewTransactionStatus Request Imported from Alma

Then, create a custom queue for the newly created routing rule:

In the ILLiad Customization Manager under System > Custom Queues > CustomQueues:

  1. Click on the New Record button.
  2. Enter the following values:
    1. QueueName: Request Imported from Alma
    2. ProcessType: Borrowing
    3. NVTGC: ILL
  3. Click the Save button.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


How can we help?

In order to submit this request for assistance, please first login by clicking the button below.

The Systems Librarians in the Office of Library Services (OLS) are here to support CUNY libraries with:

  • Alma & Primo VE system support
  • EZproxy access and configuration
  • Documentation and best practices
  • Workflow optimization
  • Committee and working group support

Before submitting a ticket, please check our Knowledge Base for existing solutions to common questions. If you don't find what you need, fill out this form and we'll be glad to help!

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