How do I set up the lending integration between Alma and ILLiad?

In order for lending integration to work, the barcode of the item being lent must be in the ILLiad request record. Manually copying barcodes from Alma to ILLiad is very time consuming, so this integration is recommended only for libraries that are using IDS Logic to automatically add barcodes to their ILLiad requests.

Automatically moving ILLiad lending items to Alma's temporary lending location will save you the trouble of having to manually check ILLiad lending items out in Alma. (After setting up ILLiad as a resource sharing partner in Alma, no additional configuration work in Alma is required.) To automatically move ILLiad lending items to Alma's temporary lending location, you need to do the following in ILLiad:

You may need to contact campus IT in order to install/modify the ILLiad addon configurations.
  1. Download the Alma NCIP Lending addon: https://atlas-sys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ILLiadAddons/pages/3149397/ILLiad+Alma+NCIP+Lending+Only+System+Addon
  2. Open the ILLiad_Alma_NCIP_Lending.zip file and copy the addon folder to the C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons directory. Detailed instructions on installing ILLiad client addons can be found here: https://atlas-sys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ILLiadAddons/pages/3149384/Installing+Addons
    1. Please note that this client addon will need to be installed at each workstation individually unless you redirect ILLiad's default addon directory. More information on how to do that can be found here: https://atlas-sys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ILLiadAddons/pages/3149399/Addon+Locations
  3. Check to see which ILLiad field contains your item barcodes. You will need to be using an ItemInfo field to accommodate multi-volume lending. The addon by default looks for barcodes in ItemInfo3. If you are using a different ItemInfo field, you can change the ILLiad_field_to_get_barcode setting.
  4. Open the ILLiad Client, click the Manage Addons button.
  5. Select the ALMA_NCIP_Lending_Client addon and enter the following information into the settings fields. Fields not listed below can be left at their default settings.
    1. NCIP_Responder_URL: https://cuny-xx.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/NCIPServlet (where xx is your 2-letter campus code in lowercase letters)
    2. acceptItem_from_uniqueAgency_value: 01CUNY_XX (where XX is our 2-letter campus code in uppercase letters)
    3. ApplicationprofileType: ILLiad
  6. Change the Active value to Yes, click the Save Settings, and then restart the ILLiad client. The addon will not start running until the ILLiad client is restarted.

Note: Unfortunately, there is currently no way to automatically transmit lending renewal due dates from ILLiad to Alma. That will need to be done manually.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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