Why is Alma saying that a resource sharing book is not available at any institution when we scan its barcode?

When receiving an item from libraries outside of CUNY, the prescribed workflow requires that the item's barcode be scanned into Alma. Sometimes this step is overlooked, sometimes the barcode is entered incorrectly, sometimes there's just a glitch in the system. Whatever the cause, sometimes items we receive from our resource sharing partners do not appear when we scan them in when we are trying to lend them to the requesting patron.

To rectify this situation, you need to find the record and update its barcode. To do this, go to Fulfillment > “Resource Sharing”: Borrowing Requests:

From there, find the request (you can use the search bar), click on the item, review the pane that opens from the right, and copy the MMS ID:

Change the search type to "Physical items," use the "MMS ID" field, paste the MMS ID, and click 🔍 (Search). This will display the item:

Click the Edit Item button in the upper right-hand corner, scan or type in the barcode into the "Barcode" field, and click Save.

Once the barcode is in the item record, you should be able to pull it up by changing the "Physical items" search field to "Barcode" and scanning in the item. It should also now appear when lending it to a patron from the patron workbench.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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