Why are there two process types on the item page in Alma?

The process type in the item record displays the current work order. If there is no work order, this field is blank.


The process type on the right side of the screen is for the item status.

Example 1

This item is not in a work order, and it has no system status. Both "Process type" fields are blank.


Example 2

This item is in the "Acquisition technical services" work order, so the "Process type" in the item is "Acquisition technical services."

This item has the work order status "Original Cataloging," so the "Process type" on the right side of the screen is "Acquisition technical services (OrigCat)." The status has been abbreviated and added to the end of the work order name.


The two process types will be removed when the item is scanned in at the Acquisitions Department. The "Acquisition technical services" work order is tied to the Acquisitions Department, so do not scan in the item at the Service Desk.


Example 3

This item is in the "Missing items search" work order, so the "Process type" in the item is "Missing items search."

This item does not have a work order status, so the "Process type" on the right side of the screen only has the work order name "Missing items search" without a status at the end.


The two process types will be removed when the item is scanned in at the Service Desk. The "Missing items search" work order is tied to the Service Desk, so do not scan in the item at the Acquisitions Department.


Example 4

This item is in not in a work order, so the "Process type" in the item is blank.

This item is in transit, so the "Process type" on the right side of the screen is "Transit."


The process type will be removed when the item is scanned in at its destination.


Example 5

This item is in not in a work order, so the "Process type" in the item is blank.

This item is missing, so the "Process type" on the right side of the screen is "Missing."


The process type will be removed when the item is scanned in at a Service Desk.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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