Why did the CUNY Libraries disable the dedup and FRBR processes in Alma/Primo VE?

In Spring 2024, the Office of Library Services reviewed the pros and cons of deduplication and FRBRization in OneSearch with the Discovery Working Group. This review began with an email sent to the group on March 14, 2024, followed by an in-depth discussion during their meeting two months later on May 13, 2024.

Understanding Deduplication and FRBRization

  • Deduplication (“dedup”): This process identifies and merges duplicate records within our library catalog so that they appear as a single unified record in OneSearch.
  • Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (“FRBR”): FRBR organizes library materials by grouping different editions, formats, translations, and other versions of a work under a single, higher-level record called a “Work.” In OneSearch, these appear grouped under a generic record with a link to view all versions.

Both dedup and FRBR had been enabled in OneSearch since we first implemented Primo in 2014. Based on campus feedback, exceptions for certain collections were made over the years: music materials, the Bible, and Cambridge Histories Online.

Decision to Disable Dedup and FRBR

During the May 13, 2024, meeting of the Discovery Working Group, members agreed to disable both the dedup and FRBR processes in OneSearch. This decision aimed to enhance the user experience, addressing concerns that these processes may sometimes complicate searches rather than simplify them.

Disabling dedup and FRBR in OneSearch:

  1. Improves clarity by displaying each version of a work separately, reducing potential confusion.
  2. Allows users to see all available versions and formats at a glance, making it easier to find specific items.
  3. Ensures that unique records are not incorrectly merged, preserving the integrity of our catalog data.



Before the change, print and electronic editions of the same title displayed together.

Dedup Before

After the change, print and electronic editions of the same title display separately.

Dedup After


Before the change, editions for multiple years of the same title displayed together.

FRBR Before

After the change, editions for multiple years of the same title display separately.

FRBR After


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:

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