In Alma, a job is an action that takes place behind the scenes. Some jobs are run automatically by Alma, and others can be initiated by staff. It’s misleading when Alma says a job was completed successfully. It’s a good idea to look at the job reports even if the job completed successfully.
Alma Status | Symbol | Did the Job Change Anything? | Explanation | Examples |
Aborted by System | No | Canceled by Alma | ||
Aborted by User | No | Canceled by a person | ||
Completed successfully | Yes | The job ran without errors, but this doesn’t necessarily mean the job did what it was expected to do. | Update PO Lines Information job did not update any PO lines. | |
Completed with Errors | Partially | SUSHI harvesting job was able to harvest some but not all usage data. | ||
Completed with no bulks | No | The job couldn’t find anything to update. | ||
Completed with Warnings | Partially | Add Members to Set job was able to add some but not all members to a set. | ||
Failed | No | Something went wrong. |
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