In Alma, a job is an action that takes place behind the scenes. Some jobs are run automatically by Alma, and others can be initiated by staff. It’s misleading when Alma says a job was completed successfully. It’s a good idea to look at the job reports even if the job completed successfully.
Go to Manage Jobs and Sets > Admin > Monitor Jobs.
Go to the History tab.
Search or browse for the job. You can use filters and change the date range.
Next to the job, click … ("More actions"), then click Report.
List of Alma job statuses
Alma Status
Did the Job Change Anything?
Aborted by System
Canceled by Alma
Aborted by User
Canceled by a person
Completed successfully
The job ran without errors, but this doesn’t necessarily mean the job did what it was expected to do.
Update PO Lines Information job did not update any PO lines.
Completed with Errors
SUSHI harvesting job was able to harvest some but not all usage data.
Completed with no bulks
The job couldn’t find anything to update.
Completed with Warnings
Add Members to Set job was able to add some but not all members to a set.