How do I transfer a patron's requested item to a different pickup location after it's already arrived?
When a patron asks to pick up their requested item at a different library after it has already arrived at your location, follow these steps:
Please note that this workflow is only for requested items owned by CUNY. Patrons who wish to pick up SUNY-owned items at another library must cancel their request at the current holding library and place a new request through their desired pick-up library.
At Your Library (Holding Library)
- Call the owning library and let them know that you need their help to transfer a hold to another library
- "Hi, this is [name] from [holding library]. I have one of your items here on hold, but the patron would like to pick it up at [new pickup location] instead. Could you help me process this transfer? We'll walk through the steps together—I have both the item barcode and patron ID ready."
- While on the phone with the owning library:
- Share the barcode of the item and the EMPLID & name of patron
- Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Requests": Active Hold Shelf
- Find the item and click Update Expiry
- Set expiry date to a past date
- Uncheck "Notify patron"
- Click Save
- Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Sharing": Expired Hold Shelf > Send to Institution (tab)
- Find the item and click Transit to put the item in transit
- Do not print or save the transit slip
At Owning Library
- While on the phone with the holding library:
- Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Requests": Scan In Items and enter the barcode you got from the other library to "receive" the item
- Do a Physical Item Search for the item using its barcode
- Click ... > Request (not "Resource Sharing Request")
- Select Patron Physical Item Request as "Request Type"
- Enter patron's EMPLID as "Requester"
- Select new pickup institution and library
- Click Submit
- Confirm request appears in Fulfillment > "Resource Requests": Pick from Shelf
- Go to Fulfillment > "Resource Requests": Scan In Items and enter the barcode to put it into transit to the new pick-up location
- Save the transit slip as a PDF and email it to the person on the phone
At Your Library (Holding Library)
- Confirm with the owning library that you've received the new transit slip
- End the phone conversation
- Pack item with transit slip (received from the owning library) in blue delivery bag
- Send to new pick-up location
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Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:
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