What is the difference between merge and overlay?

When two bibliographic records are combined in Alma, either the merge or overlay method determines how the data is handled.



• Retains selected bibliographic data from both records based on predefined merge rules.

• Merge rules specify which fields to keep, modify, or discard.

• Used when you want to preserve local enhancements or key metadata from the original record.



• Completely replaces the old bibliographic record with the new one.

• All data from the old record is discarded—nothing is merged.

• Used when importing a full, authoritative record to replace a brief or temporary one.


Example Use Cases:

• Merge: You import a record from an external source but want to keep local notes and call numbers from the existing record.

• Overlay: You receive a full MARC record from a vendor and need to replace an incomplete placeholder record.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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