What are the Aleph item process statuses that would have ended up as Technical Migration in Alma?

The following is a list of item process statuses the CUNY Libraries used in Aleph:

BD   At Bindery
BP   In Repair
CA   Order Cancelled
CH   Checked Out
CL   Claimed
CN   Not available
CT   Cataloging
DA   Damaged (noncirc)
DP   Depository
DI   Out for Digitization
EB   eBook
ER   eResource
EX   Exhibit
IP   In process
LO   Lost
LP   Lost/Paid
MI   Reported Missing
MT   Missing in Tran
NA   Not Arrived
NB   New Books
NP   Not published
NR   Not returned
OI   Order initiated
ON   Online
OR   On order
PB   Binding Preparation
RP   Replacement Req.
SB   Sent to Binding
SE   Searching
SU   Suppressed
TR   In Transit
WD   Withdrawn


Alma does not have equivalent item processes, so these items were all assigned "Technical – Migration" in Alma.


The Aleph item processes didn't go away! They're stored in "Internal note 3" in the item record in Alma. You can even search for specific statuses:


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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