How do you automatically update your electronic holdings from Ovid?

Alma can be set up to retrieve holdings files from Ovid and manage your electronic resources in Alma based on those files. This feature will activate, deactivate, or update e-books and e-journals for your institution. This will save time and effort with electronic resource management.

1. Contact Ovid Customer Support (support@ovid.com) and have them set up and provide you with the following account information:

  • User name
  • Password
  • Ovid group name

2. After you have obtained these log-in parameters from Ovid, test them using the following URL format:

  • For example, if the user name is testuser@gmail.com, the password is testpassword, and the Ovid group name is testOvidgroup, the URL would be as follows:
  • When you execute this URL, you should receive a tab-delimited KBART file. If the URL does not process successfully, contact Ovid Customer Support for assistance.

3. Activate the following electronic collections from the Community Zone (CZ):

  • Books@Ovid Purchase Complete (Community Zone Collection ID = 613860000000000549)
  • Books@Ovid Subscription Complete (Community Zone Collection ID = 613860000000000548)
  • Journals@Ovid Complete (Community Zone Collection ID = 613860000000000550)

Use the following settings:

4. Open a support ticket with OLS and share the URL you got from Ovid, including the log-in parameters. Specify who at your library should receive notifications about the success or failure of the autoload.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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