How and why should I set up automatic upload of electronic holdings?

Automatic upload of electronic holdings in Alma is meant to be a "set it and forget it" method to reduce some of the burden of electronic resource management. After some initial configuration, the vendor routinely sends information to Alma about the e-resources your institution has purchased, subscribes to, is entitled to, etc. Alma then activates, deactivates, or updates your electronic holdings from the Community Zone (CZ). This makes copies of bibliographic records and electronic portfolios in your Institution Zone (IZ) that are linked to the CZ.


These are the participating providers as of February 2024.

Provider Type of Holdings Instructions
Elsevier Books and journals Link
JSTOR (coming in May 2024) Books Link
Ovid Books and journals Link
Preselect (coming in May 2024) Books and journals Link
Project MUSE Books and journals Link
ProQuest Ebook Central Books Link
Springer Books and journals Link
Taylor & Francis Books and journals Link
Wiley Books and journals Link


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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