How do you automatically update your electronic holdings from Wiley?
Alma can be set up to retrieve holdings files from Wiley and manage your electronic resources in Alma based on those files. This feature will activate, deactivate, or update ebooks and ejournals for your institution. This will save time and effort with electronic resource management.
1. Obtain a token for your institution from the provider. You can create a Wiley API key using the admin dashboard; click here for full instructions.
2. Activate the following electronic collections from the Community Zone (CZ):
Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Books (Community Zone Collection ID = 615410000000002415)
Wiley Online Library - AutoHoldings Journals (Community Zone Collection ID = 615410000000002416)
Use the following settings:
3. Open a support ticket with OLS and share the token you got from Wiley. Specify who at your library should receive notifications about the success or failure of the autoload.