I need to change my library's operating hours. How do I do that?
The "Circulation Desk Manager" role is required to update the library's opening hours.
Some hours are managed at the Institution Zone level (usually "End of Term," as well as holidays for colleges with multiple libraries—these get distributed to all the libraries) while others are managed at the Library level.
With the appropriate permissions, you can manage your own library's hours in your Alma IZ. If you need to change hours at the institution level, please open a ticket with OLS.
To manage library hours, go to Fulfillment > "Advanced Tools - General": Opening Hours.
From here, you can modify existing opening hours, create new exceptions, delete old data, etc.
Managing the Calendar
Standard Opening Hours
The library's standard opening hours (i.e., regular dates and times during which the library is open) are based on a day of the week.
Adding standard opening hours
- Click + Add Record. The "Add Record" dialog box appears.
- For "Record type," select Standard opening hours.
- Fill in the following details:
- The day of the week
- The library's open hours (in 24-hour format)
- If adding more standard opening hours (e.g., more days), click Add. Your changes are saved—the "Add Record" dialog box, however, remains open so you can go ahead and add more hours. The information you just entered is pre-populated so that you can modify just the bits of information you need to change (e.g., day of week).
- After adding your final standard opening hour, click Add and Close.
- Click Apply Changes.
The "Valid to" date is automatically set to the current date + 3 years. The "Valid From" date is automatically set to the current date. (To extend the "Valid To" date for standard opening hours, edit the record and select Save without making any changes.)
Modifying existing opening hours
- Find the row containing the hours you wish to modify; click ... (action) > Edit.
- On the "Add Record" page that opens, make your changes.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-3 until you're satisfied with the changes.
- Click Apply Changes.
Deleting existing opening hours
- Find the row containing the hours you wish to delete; click ... (action) > Remove.
- Repeat step 1 until you've removed all the hours you wish to delete.
- Click Apply Changes.
You can only define one Standard Opening Hours for a given time period. To define alternative opening hours for specific days, such as holidays, define Exception records (see below).
Exceptions are hours that deviate from the standard opening hours, such as closures due to holidays or extended hours during final examinations.
Adding exceptions
- Click + Add Record. The "Add Record" dialog box appears.
- For "Record type," select Exception.
- Fill in the following details:
- Whether the exception is that the library is open or closed outside of normal hours
- If you are shortening hours, select Closed and enter only the hours during which the library will be closed (e.g., if your standard opening hours are 09:00 - 18:00 but you will close at 5 PM during the winter session, enter 17:00 - 18:00 as your exceptional closed hours).
- If you are extending hours, select Open and enter only the hours during which the library will be open longer (e.g., if your standard opening hours are 09:00 - 18:00 but you will be open [and accepting returns and/or lending material] until midnight during finals week, enter 18:00 - 23:59 as your exceptional open hours).
- The day of the week – required only for weekly recurrence (e.g., Summer Friday closures)
- A description (optional)
- The dates between which the exception is valid
- The hours for which the exception applies
- Whether the exception is that the library is open or closed outside of normal hours
- If adding more exceptions (e.g., more days), click Add. Your changes are saved—the "Add Record" dialog box, however, remains open so you can go ahead and add more exceptions. The information you just entered is pre-populated so that you can modify just the bits of information you need to change (e.g., day of week).
- After adding your final exception, click Add and Close.
- Click Apply Changes.
To modify existing exceptions
For example, you wish to move holidays to the next year.
- Find the row containing the hours you wish to modify; click ... (action) > Edit.
- On the "Add Record" page that opens, make your changes.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-3 until you're satisfied with the changes.
- Click Apply Changes.
Deleting existing exceptions
- Find the row containing the exceptions you wish to delete; click ... (action) > Remove.
- Repeat step 1 until you've removed all the exceptions you wish to delete.
- Click Apply Changes.
Events are special dates, such as the end of the year, the end of the semester, or an exhibition. Institution events appear in library calendars in Alma but do not indicate whether the library is open or closed. They can also be used to set due dates. (N.B.: The "Event" record type is rarely used at the CUNY Libraries.)
Adding events
- Click + Add Record. The "Add Record" dialog box appears.
- For "Record type," select Event.
- Fill in the following details:
- Whether the event recurs—and, if so:
- the recurrence type, weekly or yearly; for weekly, the day of the week, and
- the date until which the record is valid
- The day of the week – for recurring events only (required)
- A description
- The date and time (time is optional)
- Whether the event recurs—and, if so:
- If adding more events (e.g., more days), click Add. Your changes are saved—the "Add Record" dialog box, however, remains open so you can go ahead and add more hours. The information you just entered is pre-populated so that you can modify just the bits of information you need to change (e.g., day of week).
- After adding your final standard opening hour, click Add and Close.
- Click Apply Changes.
Modifying existing events
- Find the row containing the event you wish to modify; click ... (action) > Edit.
- On the "Add Record" page that opens, make your changes.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-3 until you're satisfied with the changes.
- Click Apply Changes.
Deleting existing events
- Find the row containing the events you wish to delete; click ... (action) > Remove.
- Repeat step 1 until you've removed all the events you wish to delete.
- Click Apply Changes.
Saving Changes
When you're finished making and saving your changes, do not forget this crucial step: Click Apply Changes:
You will be notified that a job has been successfully scheduled. This job will update existing loans.
The following areas in Alma (among others) may be influenced by the open hours (depending on the policies configured):
- Due dates
- Fines calculations
- Overdue blocks
- Booking times
- Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles
Reviewing Hours
To see whether the hours were modified/saved as you expected, click on Full Calendar:
Navigate to a week with the non-standard hours and check whether the calendar displays the hours correctly:
If you don't see your changes, go back, review your changes, and click Apply Changes. (Please wait up to 5 minutes after applying changes before checking the calendar. A job needs to run before the changes are reflected in Alma.)
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
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