How do I change the due date for semester loans?

There are two ways to change the due date for semester loans. Both ways are equally valid.


Reuse the same End of Term event


You can create a generic "End of Term" event on the calendar and edit the date in that event every time the semester changes.

Editing an End of Term event in Fulfillment

1. You must be at your library's service desk.


2. Go to Fulfillment > Advanced Tools - General > Opening Hours.


3. Click the button to the right of the "End of Term" event, then click Edit.


4. Change the date, then click Save.


5. Click Apply Changes.


Editing an End of Term due date in Configuration

1. Go to Configuration (on the library level, not the institution level).


2. Go to Fulfillment > Library Management > Opening Hours.


3. Click the button to the right of the "End of Term" event, then click Edit.


4. Change the date, then click Save.


5. Click Apply Changes.

Create End of Term events for every semester


If you want your calendar to be more readable, you can create multiple events, such as "End of Term Winter 2023" and "End of Term Spring 2024."

1. Go to Configuration (on the institution level, not the library level).


2. Go to Fulfillment > Library Management > Opening Hours.


3. Click Add Record.


4. Fill out the fields with the new semester name and end date.


5. Click Add if you plan to add more events. Click Add and Close if that is the only event you wanted to add.


6. Go to Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration.


7. Next to the "Due Date" policy for semester loans, click Edit.


8. Select the new term from the "Value" dropdown menu.


9. Click Save.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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