Which classification codes (e.g., call numbers) can you get in an Analytics report?

The Physical Items subject area offers the most extensive range of classification schemes in the "Permanent Call Number" field.


The values of "Permanent Call Number Type" correspond to the first indicator in the MARC 852 field:

First Indicator Shelving Scheme
# No information provided
0 Library of Congress (LC) classification
1 Dewey Decimal classification (DDC)
2 National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification
3 Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification
4 Shelving control number
5 Title
6 Shelved separately
7 Source specified in subfield $2
8 Other scheme


Library of Congress (LC) classification, Chinese Library Classification (CLC), and Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) are available in most subject areas. CLC is represented as "Other Classifications."


The "Item Call Number" field is available in the Physical Items subject area. This is a non-standard call number that can be formatted however a library wants.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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