Why aren't my newspapers showing up in OneSearch?

If you're not seeing expected results for newspaper databases in OneSearch, open the electronic collection in Alma and look at the CDI tab. Check these settings:

We subscribe to only some titles in this collection

Select Yes if Full Text Linking in CDI = Linkresolver

Select No if Full Text Linking in CDI = Link in record


You can also do an advanced search to see which electronic collections have correct and incorrect settings:




Some CUNY institutions have newspapers search turned on and some don't. If you are unsure whether you have newspapers search, ask OLS.

The Newspapers field in the CDI tab will tell you how the database is discoverable:

  • CDI Newspapers = Yes, Newspapers search only – Results from this database will only appear in newspapers search. If your institution has newspapers search turned off, you won't see anything from this database in a regular search.

  • CDI Newspapers = Yes – Results from this database will appear in newspapers search and regular searches. If your institution has newspapers search turned off, you will see things from this database in a regular search.

  • CDI Newspapers = Yes – Results from this database will only appear in regular searches, regardless of whether your institution has newspapers search turned off or on.


You can also do an advanced search to see which electronic collections have newspapers search:


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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