How do I add an electronic title if it's not in the Community Zone?

If you can't find an electronic title in the Community Zone, you can still add it to Alma so it's discoverable in OneSearch.


1. If you can find an OCLC record for the title, export it from Connexion to Alma. If not, continue to the next step


2. Go to Resources > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio.


3. Choose a record creation type:

a. If you are creating a short record from scratch, choose Create new title and fill out the appropriate fields in the "Description Information" section. Don't forget to set "Institution" for "Placement of new record."

b. If you have an OCLC record, choose Use existing title and search in the "Title" box for the record.


3. Fill out the other sections as needed:

a. General Information: you can add the new electronic portfolio to an existing electronic collection, specify which library has access to the title, etc.

b. Coverage Information: this is most likely only useful for journals, not monographs.

c. Inventory and Linking Information: the URL is the most important part. Without a URL, there will be no access! You can also add proxy if it's a paid resource, set the electronic material type, etc.

d. Notes: you can add different types of notes.


4. Click Save and Done.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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