When do accounts in Alma expire?

Information about every user (student or employee) is loaded into the Alma Network Zone from CUNYfirst on a nightly basis. All users have the "Patron" role automatically assigned to them. Library staff have additional roles assigned in Alma by OLS, per the campus library's request.

Active Users

Users loaded into Alma have an expiration date (in Alma) set to 120 days in the future. (This gives patrons approximately 4 months to return materials, settle their accounts, etc.) There are daily loads of users from CUNYfirst so the expiration date increments for active users.

For example...

An employee who joined the University on June 1 had an Alma expiration date of September 29 on their first day of employment. When their information was loaded into Alma on June 2, their Alma expiration date was updated to September 30. On June 3, their expiration date in Alma was updated to October 1. And so on.

Users who are no longer considered active in CUNYfirst will no longer be loaded into Alma. Therefore, their clock starts ticking as soon as Alma stops receiving updates about them.

For example...

A student who graduated from the University on June 1 will have an Alma expiration date of September 29. This date will no longer be updated. Therefore, on June 2, when other active users' data is loaded into Alma, this student's expiration date will remain the same.

Retired Faculty

Retired faculty are loaded into Alma the same way that active users are. However, they have a static expiration date of 30 years from the first day of their retirement.


Answered By:
Alevtina Verbovetskaya
Last Updated:


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