How do I view SUSHI reports?

To View Electronic Resource Usage Statistics

You cannot download an Excel spreadsheet of electronic resource usage statistics from Alma; nor can you look at a visual display. Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) is programmed to have Alma retrieve the usage statistics from the vendor in JSON format. When you download the file from Alma, it will always be a JSON file because that is how it was designed. You either have to download the usage statistics from the vendor in a more readable format like CSV or create a report or visualization in Analytics.


To View the Results of the Alma SUSHI Job

1. Go to Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs.


2. Go to the History tab.


3. Search the jobs history by "SUSHI." Click the search button before moving on to the next step!


4. The search defaults to the last two days, so you may want to choose a different time period. Note: you can only search a month at a time.


5. Click on the ... (ellipsis), then click Report.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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