When will new features be turned on in Alma?

New Alma features are rolled out in phases. This makes it possible for Ex Libris staff to ensure they are working properly and for Alma users to become acquainted with them before they fully replace any existing processes. Below are the new Alma features being rolled out and a timeline for CUNY Alma users. This timeline is subject to change.


Feature Opt Out Until Documentation
Analytics Management November 2023 Ex Libris video
Resource Sharing Task List May 2023 Ex Libris video
Unified PO Line Task List February 2024 Ex Libris online help



Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


How can we help?

OLS Systems is standing by to assist you with your Alma and Primo VE requests!

If, after reviewing the list of known issues and perusing the questions & answers in the Knowledge Base, you have a question or request, please open a ticket via one of the following means: