How do I troubleshoot the "Upload electronic holdings - PROQUEST_EBOOK_CENTRAL" report?

Electronic resources librarians at each institution receive emails like this when ProQuest Ebook Central electronic holdings are automatically updated in Alma:


If the email says there were errors, you can get more information by viewing the job report.


1. Go to Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs.


2. Go to the History tab.


3. Search for the job by name and/or date (both are listed in the email).


4. Click Report.


5. Click on any of the events.


6. Use the information in the report to identify the title and the reason it wasn't processed correctly.




The report above says that five titles failed to be activated because they had no matches in the Community Zone (CZ). Report the bkeys to Ex Libris because they are responsible for maintaining these titles in the CZ and need to add them.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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