How do I export records from OCLC Record Manager to Alma?

WorldShare is the online platform where OCLC hosts library services. These services include acquisitions, circulation, and interlibrary loan. The cataloging part of WorldShare is called Record Manager.

Bibliographic records can be exported from Record Manager to Alma. Best practice is to export records directly to the Network Zone, since it is only possible to set up exports to a single Zone.



  1. Go to your library’s WorldShare URL.
  2. Log in.
  3. Click the “Metadata” tab. (If you don’t see Metadata, request access from OCLC.)
  4. Click on Record Manager. (If you don’t see Record Manager, request access from OCLC.)
  5. Click on User Preferences.
  6. Click on Exporting - Bibliographic Records.
  7. “Format” should be set to “MARC21 with UTF-8 Unicode.”
  8. Click the “TCP/IP” tab.
  9. Use the following settings:
    • Host Name: cuny-network.alma.exlibrisgroup.com
    • Port: 5500
    • Authentication: select Login ID from the drop-down menu
    • Logon Id: 01CUNY_NETWORK
    • Password: alma1234
  10. Click Save.



Export a Record to the Network Zone

  1. Search for a record in Record Manager.
  2. Click on the record to view it.
  3. Go to Record > Send To > Local System (via TCP/IP).


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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