How do I activate or deactivate a database?

In Alma, it is easy to activate or deactivate an electronic collection with type "package" because it has a service, which can be set to "Available" or "Not Available." Electronic collections with type "database" do not have services. Databases are active in Alma (and discoverable in OneSearch) when they have an unsuppressed bibliographic record and a Level URL.

Active Electronic Collection Inactive Electronic Collection
Unsuppressed bibliographic record Suppressed bibliographic record
Level URL No Level URL


Bibliographic Record

To attach a bibliographic record to an electronic collection, go to Edit Collection > Additional tab > Additional descriptive information. This is also where you can detach a bibliographic record from an electronic collection.

You can suppress or unsuppress the bibliographic record as you would any other record.


Level URL

To add a Level URL to an electronic collection, go to Edit Collection > Additional tab > Level URL. This is also where you can remove a Level URL from an electronic collection.


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:


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