How do I delete holdings records?

You cannot delete a holdings record that still has items attached.


Delete holdings one at a time

1. Do a physical holdings search.


2. Click Edit on the holdings record you want to delete.


3. Go to Record Actions > Delete Record.


Delete holdings in batch
1. Create an itemized set or logical set. This must be a "Physical titles" set, not a "Physical holdings" set. Pay close attention when creating your set.


2. Go to Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job.


3. Select the "Delete Holdings records with no Physical items" job.


4. Click Next.


5. Select the set you created in step 1.


6. Click Next.


7. Choose parameters for the job.

a. You can limit by library and location.

b. You can also apply a filter to your set.

c. You must specify how to handle bibliographic records. Choose "Delete bibliographic records."


8. Click Next.


9. Click Submit.


10. Click Confirm


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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