How do I integrate Alma with ILLiad?

There are three opportunities to integrate Alma with ILLiad:

  1. ILLiad as resource sharing partner of last resort.
    1. Requires that your ILLiad users have EMPLIDs as the username.
  2. Lending workflows:
    1. Items being loaned to other libraries via ILLiad can automatically be moved to Alma's temporary lending location, which eliminates the need for staff to manually check those items out in Alma.
    2. This integration is recommended only for libraries that are using IDS Logic to automatically add barcodes to their ILLiad requests.
  3. Borrowing workflows:
    1. Temporary item records can be created in Alma for items received from other libraries in ILLiad, which allows you to circulate ILLiad items in Alma and your users to see and renew their ILLiad items in Primo.
    2. Renewal due dates can be automatically transmitted from ILLiad to Alma.

Integrating ILLiad and Alma is optional. For those who are interested in one or more of the integrations, the information in the linked FAQ entries is used to configure the two systems to work together.


Answered By:
Kel Karpinski
Last Updated:


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